Rojak! Rojak! One of the famous food in Penang and Malaysia. You can see there is a lot of stalls selling rojak in Penang. Rojak basically is a mixture of variety of fruits, cucumber and squid and all of them are mixed with specially made paste. The paste or sauce is mixed with prawn paste, so if you are allergy to prawn, be aware! However, since it is a specially made paste, so, not all of them are nice. But there is a stall at Gurney Drive, GP Soon, is selling one of the best rojak in Penang! Normally they open during weekends because I went there a few times during weekdays and they were closed.

- G.P. Soon Rojak
See the long queue? I went there at 11.10PM and I queued until 11.40PM to reach my turn. Normally, there is a long queue waiting to buy the rojak, Surprisingly, I see a lot Muslims queuing too and I noticed it wrote "Ditanggung Halal" at the stall.

- Best Street Food 2011
The rojak is rated as one of the Best Street Food in 2011 by this famous Celebrity Chef, Chen Hong.

- Empty containers storing rojak paste
They start their business at the evening and by the time I reached there, they already sold 7 big containers of rojak paste! During my turn, he opened the 8th container.

- Fruits
Since they are expecting a lot of customers, they pre-prepared the rojak ingredients first.

- G.P. Soon Rojak
The dark paste/sauce is the Rojak paste. The crispy thing is actually fried You Tiao.
Venue: G.P. Soon Rojak, Gurney Drive, Penang (Next to Public Toilet but not near, quite a distance, don't worry! :) )
Price: Ranging from RM3 to RM7 but for take away, minimum order is RM4
** Normally they open during weekends because I went there a few times during weekdays and they were closed. **
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